Procedures and Regulations at Ionios School


Procedures and Regulations at IONIOS SCHOOL


Students will be registered for the May Examination session in October of the second IB academic year. At Ionios School we will not register any students who have not completed all IB requirements and have not reached the required standard.

Students may choose to re-sit one or more subjects in the following November or May session. The maximum number of exam sessions for which you may enter is three.


In order to instill in you study habits which will help you not only in your IB studies but also in your future University studies, we have decided, for a number of reasons explained below, that we will all abide by the following rules regarding the handing in of homework:
1. It goes without saying that all homework assignments should be handed in on time;
2. If homework is not handed in on time, it MUST be handed in the FOLLOWING MORNING AT 08.05 (unless this occurs on a Friday, in which case it will be E-MAILED TO THE RELEVANT TEACHER BY 08.00 ON SATURDAY MORNING). IN ADDITION, an extra assignment will be given to you, which must ALSO be handed in by 08.05 the following day. This extra piece will be corrected, but not marked;
3. If BOTH of these things are not done, 10% will be deducted from the mark for the assignment. If any subsequent homework assignment is late, 20% will automatically be deducted from the mark, PLUS condition 2 (above) will still also apply.

You will need to study for at least two hours per day at home. Homework is normally given days or weeks before any work is to be handed in. It is, therefore, important not to do homework at the last minute. One way to schedule homework is to use a diary/agenda and a year planner. All your teachers will help you learn to plan your time and maintain your schedules. It is very important for students to meet all deadlines of both a short-term and a long-term nature over the two years of the IB Diploma. These deadlines are created by the teachers in order to help students learn to distribute their workload. The deadlines are also very important in order to meet official IB deadlines. School deadlines are very important and therefore inflexible – students who fail to meet them may be penalised in terms of grades awarded. Absence will not be an acceptable excuse. If a student knows that he/ she will be absent when an important piece of work must be handed in, then he/she should hand over the work before, not after the deadline. Students who do not meet important school deadlines will not be entered for the IB Diploma.

School Exams
Students who do not pass the school exams at the end of the first year IB Diploma might be asked to repeat year one, especially if they have not fulfilled the CAS, Extended Essay, and ToK requirements.

School Rules
All students are expected to be respectful and polite to all members of the school community. Rude or humiliating behaviour is totally unacceptable. At Ionios students and staff are expected to work as a team to assist one another to reach excellence. We aim to inspire all students to benefit from the diversity of the IB approach to develop creativity and talents. However, this can only be possible in an environment of respect. Theft of property from the school or other students is grounds for immediate dismissal as is bringing alcohol or illegal drugs to school. Smoking is not allowed anywhere on Campus.

Use the toilets and changing rooms in a proper manner and leave them clean and tidy for others.

Students are NOT permitted to wear hats, or head coverings in school at any time.

Students are NOT permitted to wear headphones, or use a radio, CD player, walkie-talkie, beeper or cell phone at any time.
These items will be confiscated. Ionios School is not responsible for belongings lost by students, and they will not be reimbursed.

Students may not carry matches or lighters.  

Students must arrive dressed appropriately, otherwise you will be sent home to change.

Chewing gum is not allowed.

Keep your possessions in your locker and look after your valuables. The school has no responsibility.

You will be come prepared for all activities, i.e. bring the appropriate equipment and supplies to all classes.

Students are expected to attend lessons regularly and complete required assignments punctually. Students are reminded that it is their responsibility after absence to find out what work they have missed and arrange to make it up in an appropriate way which is agreed with the teacher concerned. Special consideration will be given in cases of long-term or major illness, including informing the IBO. In the case of illness of three or more days, parents should inform the IB office in writing and a doctor’s certificate may be required.

All homework, coursework, exam answers etc., must be 100% your own work. It means that every time you use someone else's words or ideas you acknowledge it. You must NOT use:
a Plagiarism. This means you cannot use the ideas, words or work of another person as your own;
b Collusion. You must not support the malpractice of another student, i.e. allow your work to be copied or submitted for assessment by another student;
c Duplication of work. You cannot present work twice for different areas of assessment or for any other subject. Understanding academic honesty and malpractice;
d You must make sure you do not cheat in any way. You must not bring into the exam anything that is not allowed, or misbehave during the examination, or falsify any information.

Any source must be acknowledged, whether it comes from a book, CD-ROM, web-site etc. All photos and illustrations must also be acknowledged if they are not your own.

You must be aware that the IBO randomly checks candidates’ work for plagiarism using a web-based detection system: students found to have plagiarized automatically fail the subject concerned, which makes it near impossible to obtain the Diploma.

You must read the Honesty Policy and sign the contract.