
At Ionios Scholi English is the first foreign language that students learn. It is a compulsory subject, starting in first grade. English is taught every day.

The methodology is in line with current teaching practices for teaching English as a foreign language with emphasis on equal development of all four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The methodology is based on the communicative approach and relates language to the children’s world. They are motivated to act for themselves and develop their language awareness. There is a systematic approach to language learning addressing the needs of young learners, building the confidence for successful language learning

In Grade 1 & 2 emphasis is on alphabet development and confidence with the written form of the language. In Grade 2 reading and writing skills are developed.

In Grade 3 creative writing and language extension is important as it here that children springboard into their own independent use of language.

In Grades 4-6 the formal structure of English expanded as are the four skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking.

Examinations taken:
Grade 3 - Cambridge ESOL Young Learners Examinations: Starter level
Grade 4 - Cambridge ESOL Young Learners Examinations: Movers level
Grade 5 - Cambridge ESOL Young Learners Examinations: Flyers level
Grade 6 - Cambridge ESOL Examinations: Key English Test (KET) or

Preliminary English Test (PET).